AWeb-II Updates

AWeb-II 2.0 to 2.1 Upgrade

Important information on this update is available. Please read it if you haven't registered, or are updating a registered copy of AWeb-II.

Download it now

Shift-click on this link to download the AWeb-II upgrade (AWebII_2.1_upgrade.961112.lha, 963427 bytes). Please do not redistribute this archive.

Request it sent by email

Send email to with your name, serial number and email address and we'll email you a uuencoded or mime-encoded copy (please specify) of the update. This is, however, about a 1.5 megabyte file, so if your email account has space limits please let us know.

Request it sent by surface mail

Send email to with your name, serial number, email address and postal address and we'll surface mail a disk containing the update. Note that there is a $5.00 (Canadian or US funds) shipping and handling fee for this service.
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Last updated November 12, 1996